If you have a child born between 01 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 they are due to start primary school in September 2021, if you have not yet made a school application or contacted the Admission Team, please do so as soon as possible. The closing date for applications was 15 January 2021.
Applications can be made at www.york.gov.uk/schooladmissions
If there is a reason why you have not made an application, for example, you are planning to move out of the area or you are applying to an independent school, we must be informed and we will amend our records accordingly.
Parents/carers will log into their Parent Portal account on 16th April 2021 to find out your child’s allocated primary school. Please make sure that you know your username (email) and password for Parent Portal before 16th April 2021.
If you would like further information about the school admissions process please contact us at education@york.gov.uk