There are 3 hot dinner options for your child to choose from each day, as well as a number of sandwich choices.
Your child MUST be able to tell their teacher their choice of meal for the day at morning registration. Therefore, if your child is planning to have a school dinner could you discuss the lunch options with them in advance to ensure a smooth registration process.
School dinners are available at a cost of £2.55 per day per pupil from 3 September 2024. Where ever possible please make payments in advance via ParentPay ( and your child's ParentPay account will be credited with the exact amount paid. If paying by cheque please ensure when is sent into school that it is in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the pupils name, class and amount enclosed, stating Dinner Money.
Cheques should be made payable to 'CYC Wigginton Primary School'.
We no longer accept cash payments in school.
If you need to check what payments have been made and when dinners are taken you can check your ParentPay account. If sending cheque into school allow 48 hours for the payment to be processed on the account.
Please note all Reception, Year 1 & 2 pupils are entitled to a free school meal (Universal Free School Meal) and no money should be sent into school for these pupils. Children will be asked, each day, at registration whether they are having a school dinner, packed lunch or home dinner. You do not need to register for these meals in advance.
if you have any questions please contact the School Office on 01904 552225 or email
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance please read the booklet below for more information on special diets as part of the catering provision in school: