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School policies cover every aspect of school life.  Below are some of our most important policies for your information. If you would like a paper copy of the information on the school website, please speak to our school office who will provide this free of charge.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, 2024-25

Admissions Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Collection of Children Policy

Complaints Policy

If you have a concern or complaint we would like you to tell us about it. We welcome suggestions for improving our work in the school. Be assured that no matter what you are wanting to tell us, our support and respect for you and your child in the school will not be affected in any way. Please tell us of your concern as soon as possible. It is difficult for us to investigate properly an incident or problem which has happened some time ago. You will find above the School Complaints Policy for reference.

Exclusion Policy

Freedom of Information - Model Publication Scheme

Handwriting Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Homework Policy

Inclusion for SEND Policy

Marking & Feedback Policy

Wigginton School is committed to reducing the barriers to participation in activities and

learning experiences for all children. This policy sets out the steps which Wigginton

School will take to ensure full access to learning for all children who have medical needs

and are able to attend Wigginton School.

Phonics Policy

Play Policy

Reading Policy

Relationships and Health Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy & Plan

School Trips & Educational Visits

Science Policy

Spelling Policy

Wellbeing Policy
