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Year 2 learning videos

Children's work

Y2 - using part-whole models

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You may have heard your child talking about 'part-whole models'. These pictorial representations help children to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Y2 - using pictorial representations to add two-digit numbers

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This video shows how children develop the use of pictures to help understand and solve two-digit addition with no exchanging. Children begin to use pictures rather than concrete resources as they can always draw what they need when coming across increasingly tricky problems.

Y2 - using pictorial representations to subtract two-digit numbers

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We can also use pictures to help our understanding of column subtraction. This helps children to recognise from which number we are subtracting.

Y2 - subtracting with exchanging

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When we subtract a larger digit from a smaller digit, we need to exchange from the next column to the left.

Y2 - pictorial representations of our times tables

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When we have begun to understand the concept of multiplication, we can ue pictures to help us to solve increasingly challenging times tables. This video shows an easier example.

Y2 - deriving division facts

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We can also use a similar representation to work out division facts for increasingly larger numbers.