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Message from the Headteacher (regardings Social Distancing in and around School)

Dear Parents/Carers,


We have been back at school for a week now and it has been great to see the children enjoying school again.  However, despite procedures being in place, we still have a number of concerns regarding social distancing at the beginning and end of the day, particularly around the gates. 

Please can I remind everyone that social distancing should be maintained on the playground.  When entering/exiting the school site, please be considerate of others and patiently wait 2 metres apart if someone is coming the other way.  At all other times, please avoid waiting near the gates or on the pavement as this can cause congestion. 

A number of schools are asking parents to wear face masks at the beginning and end of day; if there continues to be issues, we too will need to request this. 


We thank you for your support with this.


Paul Laycock

