Parents Consultation Evenings
In light of the current level of infection of Covid-19 in school we have made the decision that parent consultation evenings will be via phone calls as it does not seem safe to have so many people coming into school. Staff will ring at the arranged time. Your child’s teacher will use the telephone number which is highlighted as the preferred number on our management information system for the person booking the appointment. Please contact the school office directly if you wish to use an alternative number. Also, please be aware if you receive the call on a device with caller display you will see:
Either- ‘caller no. withheld’ if the teacher is using their personal mobile phone to call you
Or- ‘01904553300’ if the teacher is calling from school
Please help us by:
• Being available at the scheduled time of the appointment
• Being patient if you are not phoned exactly at the meeting time
• Being respectful of other people’s appointments and keeping to 10 minutes