The Local Authority have launched their Inclusion Review Survey to ask children and young people with SEND, their families, carers, health and childcare professionals, for their views on proposals to change provision for young people with SEND in York.
They want to hear people’s views on the following key areas of provision:
· early years provision;
· provision for children and young people with SEND in mainstream schools;
· support for children and young people with Communication and Interaction Difficulties, including Autism;
· support for children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs;
· provision at Applefields School.
The proposals recognise the need to ensure that the city has a wide range of provision to meet the varied and complex needs of our children and young people, within the budget available.
They want to hear the views of as many of our families and partners as possible to help shape future provision. I have attached two social media posts to help encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation.
Short animation:
The consultation is available online at Paper copies are also available on request from Explore and Gateway Libraries. The consultation will close on 30 June.